bioDOGradable Bags offers a patented product which is certified by USDA as a biobased product and the European Standards EN13432 to directly combat plastic pollution with the use of our biobased compostable dog waste and cat litter bags. We are interested in working with companies to replace the existing plastic options. After seeing the market be flooded with green washed options that provide a plastic based bag with chemical additives, and claim ‘biodegradable?with no supporting certifications, we decided to provide pet parents with an alternative they can trust. Our patented vegetable based bags are USDA Biobased in order to certify that we DO NOT require the use of our limited resources of fossil fuels or petro chemicals, and use only sustainable, natural ingredients. We are also certified compostable and understand there are bags that provide this claim as well, but the concern is that not everyone has access to composting facilities, which serves the compostable certification to be useless unless disposed of properly. The future is our certification for being Home Compostable and our mission is to provide a solution not only to plastic pollution but also to the proper disposal of harmful pet waste. This can now be done with our new Home Pet Waste Composter, bioCOMpet; safely composting dog waste into a high-grade compost for gardening/vegetation, and can only be used with our bags, as no other pet waste bag carry the Home Compost certification. We are simply looking for an opportunity to work together to provide pet parents a bag that is supported by many certifications, and introduce a new, sustainable way to do waste disposal. You can learn more about our company by visitingwww.biodogradablebags.com or you can view our product catalog by simply clicking on the following link:https://biodegradabledogbags.com/uploads/bioDOGradable-Bags-Catalog-2018.pdf
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